How can I restore the image from small harddisk to larger one on Clonezilla server? |
There are some choices available. Here they are:
- Choice (1), use the option "-k1" when restoring.
- Choice (2).
- Save the image in the Clonezilla server.
- Do a normal restoration to target machine by clonezilla.
- When clone is finished, use gparted to resize or move the partition. You can install gparted in the DRBL server, then boot the client into remote-linux-gra (dcs -> remote-linux-gra) mode, login client as root, run gparted to do that. Or you can use gparted LiveCD or LiveUSB to do that.
- Choice (3).
- Save the image in the Clonezilla server.
- Prepare a partition table (manually created by fdisk in the target machine, then use "sfdisk -d /dev/hda > pt.sf", or you can manually edit that file if you are familiar with that), and backup /home/partimag/$IMA_NAME/pt.sf, then overwrite the /home/partimag/$IMA_NAME/pt.sf.
- Now use dcs -> clonezilla-start -> clonezilla-restore-disk in server, remember to choose option -r (Resize the partition when restoration finishes).
- Choice (4).
- Save the image in the Clonezilla server.
- Boot the target machine as remote-linux-txt (dcs -> remote-linux-txt).
- Login in as root in the target machine, use fdisk to create the partitions you want. Remember every partition size should be larger than that in the image file.
- Now use dcs -> clonezilla-start -> clonezilla-restore-disk in server, remember to choose option -k (Do NOT create partition in target harddisk in client), and option -r (Resize the partition when restoration finishes).
- Boot the client,
That's all. The above scenario I am assuming you are cloning M$ windows (ntfs or fat) or Linux ext2/ext3, since that resize action need ntfsresize, parted and resize2fs. These programs are already in DRBL environment. For other file systems, such as reiserfs, xfs or jfs, you have to install those resize programs in the server, and maybe manually resize is necessary after clone.